Tuesday, 21 September 2010

seconds. minutes. hours. days.

find what you want and stop at nothing to achieve it.

bleed for it.
cry for it.
lust for it.
die for it.

but never. ever. give up.

we are given one life. it's finite. it will be taken from you when you least expect it, whether that will be silently in your sleep, or screaming as a passenger in my car.

once the clock stops. that's it. you are done. no false starts. no second chances. you either devour the world like a hungry hooker, or you let it devour you.

if you live your life missing bullets you might get shot. but some things are worth dying for.

find that something. and if you have to, be prepared to die for it.

everyone has a talent. what is rare is the courage to follow talent to the dark place where it leads.

find your centre. let it be like the splitting of the atom. explode upon the world.